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Like ordinary windows with differing degree of openness to the Light and to share light, we each, to varying degree, are means of the splendor of Life. Some persons are more porous to the mystery of Grace than others. Yet, by this, the Light does not become less of the Light, and that the Light in hidden, or almost so, does not mean the Light is not there present. The Light, being the Light, being Plenitude, cannot be less light, be less than Itself wholly.
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sometimes Loving is acknowledging the Light in the other a Light he or she may not be able, at that time, to acknowledge the most apt way to communicate this recognition is simply to respect the other as means of the Light and one with the Light nothing necessarily need be said to affirm this Manifestation of the Sacred and the appearance of the other as Eucharist
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Someone could ask, “How do you see the Christ in others, as others?” There is no how to this seeing. Christ, being Christ, spontaneously is already and appears. Christ is one with the seeing of Christ. When one sees, he or she is one with the seeing, and that one no longer needs to look for. In pure seeing, looking for drops.
*Brian Wilcox. 'touched by the Sun'. Flickr
*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019